Understanding Business Issues

Understanding Business Issues

  • Video Game Design 101: Render It Well, Or Not At All

    Video games are complicated things. If a designer gets it right, it is well-received and well-liked. If something about the game is off, say, the graphics, the game will utterly tank. Stylistically, if consumers expect a game to have poor quality graphics accompanied by intense immersion during play, consumers are willing to either overlook or accept that. However, if a new designer wants to "make his/her mark," then poor graphics are not going to get gamers involved.

  • Google App Maker Training: It Is Not For The Tech Newbie

    Making a Google app sounds like fun, right? Well, it is, IF you know more about Google and its current applications than an Apple consumer knows about his/her phone. Despite the fact that the company offers Google app maker training, your "fun" venture into the world of app making is definitely NOT for the tech newbie. Here is why. The Cloud-Based Drag and Drop The what now? Most people who hear Cloud and Cloud-based automatically glaze over.

  • The Scent Of A Painted Wall: Career Opportunities For Liquid Color-Minded People

    Most people do not like the smell of paint. You are not one of those people. In fact, you not only love the scent of paint, you love to paint. You love getting drips of color all over you like some walking Jackson Pollack painting. If this sounds like your thing, here are a few career options that are right up your ferrule. Painting Business Franchise Opportunities There are painting businesses that are nationally recognized.

  • Factors To Consider About Having A Customer Value Analysis Done

    If you are to maximize the profitability and overall effectiveness of your enterprise, there are many pieces of information that you will have to closely consider. In particular, you will need to have a thorough understanding of the way that your customers assign value to your products and services. However, business leaders will frequently neglect to appreciate the full range of benefits that can come from conducting a customer value analysis.

  • After-Hours Security Options For Your Hotel

    Controlling who has access to your hotel during the day can be difficult, particularly with lots of people checking in, attending conferences, or visiting your hotel's restaurant. However, there are controls you can put in place at night to help ensure the safety of your business and your guests. Here are a few hotel security options to consider for after-hours safety: Key Card Access Doors If your hotel uses key cards for entrance into guest rooms, you can use these same key cards to restrict access to secondary entrances in the building.

  • About Me

    Understanding Business Issues

    Running your own business can be incredibly challenging, especially considering how complex today's world is. In addition to worrying about things like product development and customer acquisition, you also have to focus on avoiding the legal challenges that plague many companies around the world. I wanted to make things easier for other people, so I started this blog all about understanding and resolving business issues. Check out this website for great tips, tricks, and information that might make things a little less stressful for you. You never know, these tips could save you a lot of time, money, and effort.