Understanding Business Issues

Understanding Business Issues

5 Ways to Generate Water Treatment Customer Leads

by Connie Hanson

New homeowners often bring a fresh wave of clientele for your water treatment company, but you need to know how you can reach out to them. The following can help you develop a targeted leads list. 

1. Work With Local Agents

Those that know the most about water quality and the needs of new homeowners are often real estate agents. Not only are they familiar with the homes enough to know where water quality issues are likely to exist, they also have rapport with homeowners that they work with. Network with agents in your area and work out a deal where you can exchange leads or even work with each other to help grow the business.

2. Target The Right Neighborhoods

It's a waste of time to target your advertisements to neighborhoods that have brand new plumbing, water supply lines, and optimum natural water quality. Most municipalities have detailed water quality reports on file, so use these as a jumping-off point to determine what neighborhoods are most likely to benefit from your water treatment services.

3. Implement a Referral Program

People tend to ask their neighbors for a referral when they move into a new neighborhood and come across water issues. If you have provided water treatment to a current homeowner in the neighborhood, offer them a referral incentive for each new customer they refer your way. This could be a discount on treatment or services or even a small prize. This can help you become established as the primary water treatment service that a neighborhood turns to.

4. Mine Sales Records

If you know the general area where your services are likely to be in demand, you can create your own new homeowner leads list using the public records that are available. In most areas, tax records are public knowledge, often provided via an online database. Simply acquire the contact information for any recently purchased properties and either directly call or send a mailer offering a free in-home consultation for your water treatment service. 

5. Purchase Lists

If the above tips don't work well enough, you can also purchase leads lists of new homeowners. A quality leads list supplier will be able to target the list to your specific business needs so that you are only contacting homeowners that are likely to be interested in water treatment services. Late summer and fall is a good time to purchase lists since most homes transfer ownership in spring and summer.

Generating new homeowner water treatment leads can ensure that you target the best potential customers to power your business. 


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Understanding Business Issues

Running your own business can be incredibly challenging, especially considering how complex today's world is. In addition to worrying about things like product development and customer acquisition, you also have to focus on avoiding the legal challenges that plague many companies around the world. I wanted to make things easier for other people, so I started this blog all about understanding and resolving business issues. Check out this website for great tips, tricks, and information that might make things a little less stressful for you. You never know, these tips could save you a lot of time, money, and effort.